A4 Personal SA
A4 Personal SA is governed by the ethical principles of honesty, discretion, mutual trust and responsibility. We are equipped with the skills to achieve the results you want. Our values guide us in our daily decisions and actions, enabling us to develop our business with commitment and pride while fully satisfying the companies and professionals we collaborate with year on year.
A4 Personal SA is certified, active
and recognised for the excellent services
purveyed by its staff.
We know that the success of a company depends on its staff. There are three key characteristics in this regard: the motivation to perform the tasks required by the job, the skills to achieve the desired results and integration into the workplace. We therefore specialise in researching, assessing and selecting qualified staff with varying degrees of experience, for temporary and permanent employment, as well as professional training. We operate in Switzerland. Companies recognise us as a solid benchmark owing to our strong skills, flexibility and the results we have achieved over the years. Thanks to your success, we are transforming A4 Personal SA into the most accredited company in Switzerland!
Our motto is: “The joy of being, because I do what I am!”
A4 Personal SA is known for:
– Creating and maintaining over time a relationship based on trust with the companies it collaborates with;
– Managing its business in full compliance with the law and therefore protecting the companies and professionals it collaborates with;
– Guaranteeing its professionals have the skills to fulfil the role they play in the company;
– Ensuring its employees develop their motivation, skills and results through professional qualifications and their involvement in meeting the goals you want;
– Setting a benchmark for Swiss companies that really want to succeed!
Job and living in Switzerland
Informations from: eures.ch
Enty and stay
Under the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons, nationals from EU/EFTA countries benefit from facilitated entry and stay regulations.
ATTENTION: Federal Council invokes safeguard clause for Bulgaria and Romania
From 1 June 2017, category B EU/EFTA residence permits granted to citizens from Bulgaria and Romania will be subject to quotas. This measure is to remain in force for a year. This measure applies to workers from Bulgaria and Romania who wish to take up an employment with a yearly, one-year or permanent contract in Switzerland and apply for a residence permit B EU/EFTA as an employed person. The same applies to self-employed persons who wish to settle in Switzerland. More information about the safeguard clause can be found from 1 June 2017 the page of the State Secretariat for Migration SEM EU/EFTA Citizens: Living and Working in Switzerland. For nationals from the EU/EFTA member countries (excluded Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania), the following applies: you require a valid residence permit for stays of over three months. You can apply for this at the residents’ registration office in your canton of residence within 14 days of your move and before you begin work. For this application, you will need a valid identity card and an employment contract or confirmation of employment. Nationals from Croazia, Bulgaria and Romania benefit from special regulations and transitional periods. You will find more detailed information on entry and stay in Switzerland on the homepage of the State Secretariat for Migration SEM.
Labour market
The Swiss labour market is very popular: our country is known for its high wages, good and flexible working conditions as well as comprehensive social benefits…
Posting of workers
Your employer wants to send you abroad to work there? Your employment contract remains valid while you are abroad…